Feb 14
Posted By Angela Hausman
From President John:
I received this from Darlene DeMott: “Bob is very ill with pancreatic cancer. It has metastasized to his liver, spleen, esophagus, lung, and many lymph nodes including under his clavicle and at the top of his spine. He is very tired and sleeps a lot, but thankfully, he is not in pain. Very weak. Please let the club know how important Rotary is to Bob. He is very proud of his service to the club and the organization. Thanks for everything.”
This is so very sad for our friends Bob and Darlene and their family. I know Bob is now very much in our thoughts and prayers. Darlene mentioned Bob’s service to our club. We are collectively proud of Bob’s valued service and thankful for Bob’s membership.
>>Gary Chrisman is scheduled for a triple heart bypass at Inova Hospital later this month.
>>Libba welcomed Paul Frank back to his first club meeting after his recent illness.
>>Libba reported that Michelle Thomas has just completed her chemotherapy treatments.
Libba encouraged members to enjoy their Valen- tine’s Day and realize the health benefits associated with love but also to practice random acts of kindness and realize the health benefits associated with showing kindness.