Feb. 20

Posted By Angela Hausman

Feb. 27, Awards Banquet, NO NOON MEETING

March 6, Lauren Clouse will speak about the Winchester Rescue Mission

April 3-6 District Confernce

April 26, Rummage Sale


Trish Simpson encouraged members to sign up for the Awards Banquet and honor their fellow Rotarians.  The banquet will be held at The Monument on February 27th.  Cocktails begin at 6pm and dinner will be served at 7pm.  The bar is open from 6pm- 8pm and cash bar after 8pm. Village Square caters the dinner and will feature filet/salmon/ vegetarian options. A video slide show from the past Rotary year will play throughout the evening.


Tickets are on sale this week. The committee is accepting silent auction items and asking members to contribute a bottle of wine, valued at $25 or more, for the wine pull.


>>Reported that the club made a $250 donation to The Rotary Foundation in honor of Tom Glass. Tom had been a member of our club since 1966 and was a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow.

>>Reported that Bright Futures was

able to serve 584 families over the holidays and was greatly helped by their new forklift.

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