Program – March 13

Posted By Angela Hausman

Sam Rogers, the Community E n g a g e m e n t  D I r e c t o r  o f the Winchester Rescue Mission (WRM), briefed the club on the amazing work they are doing for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty in the Northern Shenandoah Valley. As luck would have it, Sam’s daughter, Eloise (one of his five kids), was in attendance at the meeting – unbeknownst to him!

The WRM was founded in 1973—exactly 10 years prior to Sam’s birth—as a men’s emergency shelter and now offers comprehensive residency programs for both men and women, with personalized case management to promote healing and independence. They average 43-45 residents at a time. They also provide counseling and job training to help every client realize their full potential.

Beyond housing, WRM’s second ministry is to provide essential food assistance through Cameron Market and Cafe on Cameron, which serve hundreds of people daily. The café is open year-round and the market is open 5 days a week, which serves an average of 35 families per day. All the food and money the WRM uses to operate is donated, and they receive no government or federal funding. About 30-35 volunteers per day collect the donated food and goods used in their ministry and operate the café and market.

Rooted in the Christian faith, WRM honors the dignity and value of every person, serving all in need regardless of belief. The mission extends beyond basic needs, fostering a supportive community through its “Ecosystem” culture — built on trust, dignity, and personal responsibility — where residents, volunteers, and staff collaborate for lasting transformation.

The number one cause of homelessness is broken relationships, and those are often rooted in childhood trauma. That, in term, leads to drug addiction, mental illness, poverty, and other traditionally-identified causes. As Sam put it, the reason most of the rest of us will not become homeless is because we have family and community ties that would provide us with food and shelter. What the WRM strives to do is help clients understand those connections and rebuild those relationships.

The WRM is building an intentional culture of belonging, self-management, and timelessness. The latter concept means that while the average stay for a WRM resident is 12-18 months, they can stay as long as needed to re-establish ties and build confidence and self-esteem.

To meet the area’s growing needs, WRM is expanding with a new facility on Valley Avenue, which will hopefully open as soon as June. The new facility will help more individuals find stability and hope. The current facility serves only about 10% of the current homeless population on a first-come, first-served basis. Sam suggested calling by 9 am each day to see if space is available. He closed by encouraging club members to contact him to volunteer and support the mission in other ways.

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