Program Feb 14
Posted By Angela Hausman
Andrea Cosans reported that CCAP served 11,000 individuals in 2024, and those individuals made 62,000 trips to CCAP and consumed 800,000 pounds of food. She noted that the individuals being served by CCAP are nearly split evenly between Winchester and Frederick County.
Andrea said that the most requested donation items are steel-toe boots and baby wipes. Her report emphasized the need in our community, and she said that it will not slow down in 2025.
Andrea and her team told the club about a new community initiative to establish a for-profit co-op grocery store in the city. The group has formed a board and has had positive meetings with the Winches- ter EDA. They have a Winchester co-op initiative website and are just beginning fundraising projects and the grant and loan application processes. The group is conducting area surveys and studying the co-op model used in other parts of the state, most effectively in Fredericksburg. The group’s goal is a 10,000-square-foot facility that would have at least 2,000 members. The group estimates the project could cost $7 million to open sometime in the next 3-5 years.