Health Report Feb 27
Posted By Angela Hausman
HEALTH REPORT >>Libba informed the club that Bob DeMott is in the last stages of his battle with pancreatic cancer. Please keep Bob and his wife Darline in your thoughts and prayers. >>She also told us that Gary Chrisman was undergoing triple bypass surgery on Monday, February 24th. Please keep Gary in your thoughts and prayers.
Libba noted that February is the national month for a number of different foods but she encouraged everyone to not focus on just one food but to improve your health by coloring your plate with a rainbow of different foods. She highlighted grapefruits, bananas, avocados and sweet potatoes. Libba acknowledged club members celebrating Rotary Anniversaries in February including, Scott Arthur’s 36th anniversary and John Capehart’s 45th anniversary. Libba led the club in singing Happy Birthday to President John Lamanna.